(***過年前送貨截單日: 23/1(四), cut-off order date for delivery before CNY: 23/1(Thu)***) Welcome to Classy Wine Cellar (Since 2017) - 全單滿$1000(香港)/$3000(澳門)免運費 (最少2支,可不同酒款), 一次過買滿6支全單再減3% (可不同酒款)

(WA 92) - 2004, Poliziano, Asinone, Vino Nobile di Montepulciano DOCG, Italy

Regular price $498.00


同日一次過買🈵6️⃣支全單再減3% (可不同酒款)

👑Montepuciano產區的佳釀得到Tuscany貴族們的喜愛, 故被冠上”Vino Nobile貴族葡萄酒”之名
👍Asinone是酒莊最頂級的旗艦酒款, 葡萄來自酒莊最高質素名叫Asinone的”單一田”(Single-vineyard)
😍Robert Parker話Asinone ”單一田”酒款係佢多年來的至愛(見圖片)
💯Wine Advocate俾呢支酒9️⃣2️⃣高分, 仲話宜家係適飲期中最頂峰的時間
🏃‍♂️唔想錯過新貨通知同埋whatsapp獨家優惠, 就快啲加入whatsapp群組啦👉🏻 http://bit.ly/3XOrqdm
文藝復興時期,知名的詩人與人文主義者Angelo Poliziano於1454年出生在Montepuciano這個從公元八世紀起就以出產紅酒聞名的山間古鎮上。Poliziano後來被麥迪西家族延覽至佛羅倫斯,將故鄉生產的強勁紅酒引介到佛羅倫斯,並且得到Tuscany貴族們的注重和喜愛,因為Montepuciano紅酒的風味和喝酒的族群,於是被稱為”Vino Nobile”貴族的葡萄酒。現在,Vino Nobile di Montepuciano是Montepuciano地區最頂級的葡萄酒名,屬於義大利最高的DOCG等級的法定產區葡萄酒,有相當嚴格的生產規定。區內一萬六千公頃的土地只有約1270公頃的葡萄園被列為這個等級,另外還有條件較普通的葡萄園生產風格柔和可口,屬DO等級的Rosso di Montepuciano。

(酒款葡萄為100% Sangiovese, 在tonneaux法國橡木桶中陳釀16-18個月)
Wine Advocate (92 points) – “The single-vineyard 2004 Vino Nobile di Montepulciano Asinone reveals beguiling aromatics. With air, layers of vibrant dark fruit, tar, smoke, graphite and licorice develop in the glass as this beautifully-balanced wine struts its stuff. Ideally a few years of bottle age are warranted, but this wine is so appealing at the moment that readers might have a hard time waiting. I am confident that in a few years this wine will be even better. The wine’s finesse, tannins and texture are clearly those of a first-class wine. Anticipated maturity: 2010-2024.”
同日一次過買🈵6️⃣支全單再減3% (可不同酒款)
💰付款方法: 銀行轉賬/ 轉數快/ 信用咭
🚛全單滿$1000(香港冷凍温控)/$2000(澳門常温)免運費 (最少2支, 可不同酒款)
送貨時間: 星期一至日
🙏訂單或Hold貨需2日內付款確認, 否則當自動取消, 敬請見諒🙏
🙏付款後可免費暫存30天, 之後每月會收取$20/支的存倉費🙏
👜地址: 屯門得利工業中心B座16樓 (可辦公時間內在公司樓下交收)

(p.s. 根據香港法律,不得在業務過程中,向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.)