Welcome to Classy Wine Cellar (Since 2017) - 全單滿$1000(香港)/$3000(澳門)免運費 (最少2支,可不同酒款), 一次過買滿6支全單再減3% (可不同酒款)

(RP 98+) - 2000, La Mondotte, Saint-Emilion, Bordeaux

Regular price $3,696.00

👑車庫酒之王 - 被稱為”Saint-Emilion的Le Pin”😍(2️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣千禧靚年份💯)

同日一次過買🈵6️⃣支全單再減3% (可不同酒款)

💯Robert Parker俾呢支酒接近🈵分的9️⃣8️⃣+超高分
👍1996年起酒莊終得到重視, 擁有獨立的釀酒廠, 一躍成為Saint-Emilion產區的車庫酒之王, 更被Robert Parker稱為Saint-Emilion的”里鵬”(Le Pin)
😋酒款名稱1996年起除去”Chateau”一字, 質素和1996年以前簡真係兩個世界
💯呢支酒的2009年份獲RP評為1️⃣0️⃣0️⃣分的🈵分酒, 而2005和2010年份獲得9️⃣9️⃣超高分
🏰莊主是擁有包括Canon-la- Gaffeliere等多間右岸名莊的von Neipperg家族
Robert Parker把La Mondotte評為最頂級的5️⃣星名莊
💎車庫酒產量稀少, 每年不到1️⃣千箱
😍2️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣是波爾多的千禧靚年份, 宜家更到達呢支酒的巔峰期

(酒款葡萄比例為80% Merlot和20% Cabernet Franc, 籐齡為60年, 在100%新橡木桶陳釀18月)
🏃‍♂️想快人1️⃣步收到新貨通知, 可以加入whatsapp群組👉🏻 http://bit.ly/3XOrqdm
Robert Parker (98+ points) – “In two tastings this garagiste wine performed as if it were one of the wines of the vintage. Proprietor Stefan von Neipperg continues to lavish abundant attention on La Mondotte (as he does with all his estates), and the 2000 (80% Merlot and 20% Cabernet Franc) boasts an inky/blue/purple color in addition to gorgeous aromas of graphite, caramel, toast, blackberries, and creme de cassis. A floral component also emerges as the wine sits in the glass. Extremely dense, full-bodied, and built for another twenty years of cellaring, I thought it would be close to full maturity, but it appears to need another 4-5 years of bottle age.”
同日一次過買🈵6️⃣支全單再減3% (可不同酒款)
💰付款方法: 銀行轉賬/ 轉數快/ 信用咭
🚛全單滿$1000免運費 (最少2支, 可不同酒款)(冷凍温控)
送貨時間: 星期一至日
🙏訂單或Hold貨需2日內付款確認, 否則當自動取消, 敬請見諒🙏
🙏付款後可免費暫存30天, 之後每月會收取$20/支的存倉費, 敬請見諒🙏
👜地址: 屯門得利工業中心B座16樓 (可辦公時間內在公司樓下交收)

(p.s. 根據香港法律,不得在業務過程中,向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.)