Welcome to Classy Wine Cellar (Since 2017) - 全單滿$1000(香港)/$2000(澳門)免運費 (最少2支,可不同酒款), 一次過買滿6支全單再減3% (可不同酒款)

(WA 96) - 2009, Domaine du Pegau, Chateauneuf-du-Pape, Cuvee Reservee, Rhone

Regular price $658.00

🍑隆河靚”屁股” Pegau大平賣😍(2️⃣0️⃣0️⃣9️⃣靚年份👍)
“2009 - Domaine du Pegau, Chateauneuf-du-Pape, Cuvee Reservee, Rhone”

同一日一次過買🈵6️⃣支全單再減3% (可不同酒款)

💯Wine Advocate俾呢支酒9️⃣6️⃣超高分
🎖️Pegau入選Robert Parker世界最偉大156間酒莊之一
💧漫畫”神之水滴”的第三使徒Cuvee da Capo都係出自此隆河名莊(多個年份獲得Robert Parker的1️⃣0️⃣0️⃣🈵分)
🏃‍♂️唔想錯過新貨通知同埋whatsapp獨家優惠, 就快啲加入whatsapp群組啦👉🏻 http://bit.ly/3XOrqdm
Feraud家族從17世紀起就在隆河地區種植並釀造葡萄酒🍇, 在Pegau名稱出現前稱為Domaine Feraud. 直到1987年酒莊主人的女兒Laurence Feraud學成返家與父親連手經營酒莊🏰, 酒莊正式更名為Pegau, 又被酒友們戲稱為“屁股”🍑.

Pegau被Robert Parker選為156個世界最偉大酒莊之一🎖️, 酒莊的頂級酒款Cuvee da Capo是漫畫”神之水滴💧”的第三使徒, 多個年份(2000, 2003, 2007, 2010)都獲得Robert Parker的1️⃣0️⃣0️⃣🈵💯, 而今次的Cuvee Reservee則是Pegau酒莊的招牌酒款👍.

(酒款葡萄比例約為80% Grenache, 6% Syrah, 4% Mourvedre和10%其他教皇新堡產區許可的葡萄品種, 葡萄酒在大橡木桶陳釀24個月)
Wine Advocate (96 points) – “The 2009 Châteauneuf du Pape Cuvée Réservée is a terrific effort still in its prime. Marked by scents of sweaty horse tack, it's also loaded with sweet black cherries, hints of smoke and dried herbs. Full-bodied and velvety, it finishes long and rich, with the suggestion of warm generosity. I suspect not everyone will love this wine, but for me, it beautifully captures the character of great, traditional Southern Rhônes. As we started the tasting with the white wines, Laurence Féraud pointed out that those yields were affected by mildew in 2018—not just the Grenache. Her white wine production in Châteauneuf du Pape was roughly half of normal. She also said that there will be no Cuvée da Capo in either 2017 or 2018. "In 2018, there's weakness in the mid-palate. Bigger berries, thinner skins." In compensation, consumers can look forward to a delicious, early-drinking Cuvée Réservée from 2018, and a dense, long-lived version in 2017. One highlight of this year's visit was a chance to try the 2009 and 1989 Cuvée Réservées, both of which are reassuringly excellent and still drinking well.”
💰付款方法: 銀行轉賬/ 轉數快/ 信用咭
🚛全單滿$1000(香港冷凍温控)/$2000(澳門常温)免運費 (最少2支, 可不同酒款)
送貨時間: 星期一至六
🙏訂單或Hold貨需2日內付款確認, 否則當自動取消(不作另外通知), 敬請見諒🙏
🙏付款後可免費暫存30天, 之後每月會收取$20/支的存倉費🙏
👜地址: 屯門得利工業中心B座16樓 (可辦公時間內在公司樓下交收)

(p.s. 根據香港法律,不得在業務過程中,向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.)